
Saturday, 23 July 2011

Second Day____________________

Hyee _____________ It's de second day of my new bl0g _____________ but still NO followers ___________________________ Because I didn't promote my bl0g leyyy ______________ hahahahhahaha _______________________ mls ley mw promote2 ____________________________ heheheehe ___________________ tpi lw x promote mna mw org follow kn __________________ haiyah ______________________ heheheheh _____________________ berla ctu _______________ tnggu la Adqierah dtg bru mw promote ______________________ hehehehhe _______________ ok 4 story today ah,nothing yet ley ________________ still early in de morning _________________________ morning story ah ?____________ ok2 ______________ hri ni DeadLock sdh kaci mandi BISKUT RORO ____________________________ hahahhahahahahaha ___________________________ sdh wangi maa itu 2 ekor tpiee ..... tuannya lgie yg bl0m mandiee _____________ hahahah ___________ bak kata c *Siti Nurashidah*,"awl bha" __________________ hahahahhaa _______________ (mnyempat lgik curik trademarke org) ______________________________ wakakakakakak ________________ urmm ______ rsanyea teda pa2 lgik neh _________ lum bnyak lgik story 4 today ___________ oh ya,this morning,MAK KITE MASAK SEDAP _____________________ *Mee Goreng Ayam Masak Pedas* _______________ fuhhhhh ~~~~ sedap hingga menjilat kaki ___________ heheheh ___________ so tu jak la tuk apgi neh _______ nnty inform lgik ea _________ Gubye ____________________ Mak kite masak sedap ______________

New Nie __________

Hye2 ____________ Its me DeadLock _______________ This is another blog 4 me n AdqIerah __________________ So,this is a shared blog 4 us _____________ haiyah mnyak ssh ckp english _____________ ckp melayu ley _______ ok2 _____ ne blog perkongsian antra DeadLock n AdqIerah ____________ but mostly aQ tujukn blog neh utk AdqIerah ah trutamanya _______________ sbb dia yg bnyak bgi inspirasi kpd ku utk memblog neh ______________ hehehehe ________________ tujuan bwt blog ne adlh utk DeadLock n AdqIerah berkongsi kisah khidupan ___________ U know la kn how is it to be in L0VE ___________________ hehehehe ____________________ Designing smua insyaallah akn di lakukn oleh DeadLock dan post2 smua tu insyaallah AdqIerah yg bwt ______________________ ok ______________ Hrap2 AdqIerah dpt ah trima blog ne kn _____________ yelah aQ wt smua pun tnpa pngetahuannya ____________________ heheehe _______________- so,that's all 4 now ______________ We'll be posting other stories later ___________________ 4 now,it's designing time ___________________ don't want our blog got plain views right __________________________ GUBYE _________________